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Return & Refund Policy

Cancel order

Our priority is getting items delivered to our customers as quickly as possible. Customers satisfaction is our goal.

Here are some of the more common cases of dispute:

Item not received:

Delivery on the way:

  1. Parcel seized by customs: It is buyer's duty to do customts clearance. Therefore, you should contact the customs office to take your parcel once it has been seized. Please feel free to contact us if you need any documents to clear customs (such as invoice).
  2. Status of shipment stagnated for a long time: If status of the parcel stagnated for a long time, we advise you to contact your local shipping company(DHL, USPS OR FEDEX)to check it for you, at the same time; we will ask our shipping agent to figure out what happened to your parcel. We will keep contacting with you until the parcel is delivered successfully.
  3. If the parcel is delivered unsuccessfully because of wrong address offered by buyer. We are not responsible for any loss caused
  4. If the parcel was sent to a wrong address, or was lost by the shipping company, we can resend the parcel to you or offer you a refund. Item not as described: You are encouraged to open the parcel to check the item once it is delivered to your house. You should contact us within 15 days if you are not satisfied with the item.

Return/refund for no reasons

30-Day Return policy: No Reason Return Available For Unused Items

--BEIXHAIR Pay shipping back cost for Quality Problem

--Buyer pay the shipping back cost for Non-Quality Problem

--Exchange or Refund is Not Acceptable When the Hair Is Used

1. You can cancel your order before your items shipped out. And we will refund full of your money.

2. Once your order has been shipped, please contact our customer service in the first time, our customer service will help you to solve the problem.

Kindly reminder:

  1. If you want to return it Within 30 days, Please keep the item in original condition, factory condition, as we do not sell refurbished or previously owned products. Please make sure the wig is INTACT and the LACE has NOT been cut. 

What does "returned in the original condition" mean?

 Hair has NOT been washed, conditioned, installed, colored,  bleached or worn to mess.
 Ties have NOT been cut and the hang tag is attached.

Return Charge

  • If the return is due to our problems (such as: incorrect products, quality problems of products), we will provide a full refund for you include the return freight;
  • If the return is due to the buyer’s problem (such as: don’t like/want the item, ordered a wrong product/size), the buyer should pay the return freight.
  • No restocking fee to be charged to the consumers for the return of a product.

How long i can receive my refund?

Usually you can receive the refund within 1-3 working days

If unsure, you can send us an email to service@beixhair.com

Return Charge

  • If the return is due to our problems (such as: incorrect products, quality problems of products), we will provide a full refund for you include the return freight;
  • If the return is due to the buyer’s problem (such as: don’t like/want the item, ordered a wrong product/size), the buyer should pay the return freight.
  • No restocking fee to be charged to the consumers for the return of a product.

Returning Address: (You need to contact us prior to sending your return)
Contact Name:BEIXHAIR

Should I contact you before Return My Parcel?

Yeah Sweetie, we will add notes to your order before package being returned, so please do not return the parcel before contacting us. For any returns, you must contact customer service department to obtain Confirmation address. Once the returned package is received & inspected, your refund will be processed and automatically applied to your original payment account. 

Once the return has been authorized with given Confirmation#.  Assigned returned item(s) will be allowed to return for refund.  Please include your email address, order# Confirmation# by our customer services.


PHONE: +86 17501047804